The People’s Liberation Army (Jiefangjun) no. 5720 Works in Wuhu City, Anhui Province switched to civil vehicle production in the 1990s, like so many military factories.

About the History of Cars in China
The People’s Liberation Army (Jiefangjun) no. 5720 Works in Wuhu City, Anhui Province switched to civil vehicle production in the 1990s, like so many military factories.
This is the Fenghuang, the Chinese Phoenix. He is different from the Western Phoenix, the bird that rises from its ashes. The Fenghuang is the chief of all birds. Originally the Feng part of Fenghuang was the male, the Huang the female, nowadays the bird is regarded as feminin. The Fenghuang is multi-colored; black, white, red, yellow and green.
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